Index of Share1

Richard Phillips Feynman Videos

Fun to Imagine Series

Part 1: Jiggling Atoms

Part 2: Fire

Part 3: Rubber Bands

Part 4: Magnets (and 'Why?' questions...)

Part 5: Bigger is Electricity!

Part 6: The Mirror

Part 7: The Train

Part 8: SeeingThings

Part 9: Big Numbers and Stuff... (Part One of Two)

Part 10: Big numbers and stuff (Part Two of Two)

Part 11: Ways of Thinking (Part One of Two)

Part 12: Ways of Thinking (Part Two of Two)

Take the world from another point of view Series

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

QED and Richard Feynman Series

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

LHC The Time Machine Series

Part 1

Part 2

Other Misc Videos

Rules of Chess

Inertia and Fathers

The Likelihood of Flying Saucers

The Key to Science

Something Interesting

Explains the feeling of confusion

On hungry philosophers (or do we see objects or only their light)

BBC interview with Feynman (uncertainty)

Quest for the Higgs

Movement of single electron captured on video

The Last Journey Of A Genius

Playing bongos