Archdave's Linux Pages - Sitemap #2

Mission Statement

We are a large and experienced group of programmers and systems administrators who provide part time consulting services in the areas outlined below. Although we collaborate and share expertise on all projects, our group is entirely web-based, with associates across the world. This allows us to focus on solving technological problems with a minimum of overhead, resulting in savings which we pass on to our users.

Because all of us have other sources of income, we only take on projects which we feel are a good fit to our specific technical expertise. This is better for us and better for our users. We always provide initial consultations and proof of concept development free of charge.

With regard to full time contract and permanent personnel referrals, we collectively have many years of experience as programmers and systems administrators, and we will only recommend people whom we ourselves would be willing to hire.

Software Support
- Business Applications
- Web-based Applications
- eCommerce Applications

Network Support
- Intranets and Extranets
- Network Design
- Remote Monitoring
- Server Setup
- Ongoing Systems Support

- System Architects
- Project Managers
- Designers, Developers
- IT Onsite/Offsite Staff Resourcing